Monday, April 25, 2022

Father appears was rat poisoned - diarrhea and such

 Barely got up at 1200 hours...physician involved in MK Ultra with two other individuals arrived to assist one(I have identified physician with whom I traveled to Ljubljana during his studies on quite a few occasions and who claimed we never met and never was inside of our home as pointing out as per when he commenced to  practice on his own - recorded) and measured his vital functions and then left perhaps three hours ago...exactly according to MK Ultra scenario as was told case will be once elections go past they will remove one after another.

Here stated repeated over time(since return from Poland in 2020) on each occasion I 

published about father destroying me items(thee days after destroying me shoes - I knew it was just a matter of time) or engaging with mother into some other criminal activities. Well pre planned crime.

Psychiatrist Peter Kapš's tactics - exercised Mount Everest x 1000 of crime against me.

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