Sunday, November 14, 2021

I am not surprised that even tires were changed in car assassination plot against me in 2007 it can be clearly visible who played with car accidents(in this case car of Slovenian now president in 2005)

UPDATED(marked in yellow right here atop of the page) ON APRIL 23RD, 2022


@Borut Pahor - lets see whether I will be or not capable to connect you with car assassination plot in 2007.
From state station RTV Slovenija in 2005 as if(IT WAS USED BY BORUT PAHOR AND NOT "IF") preparing for something else that took place just two years latter for not to look suspicious. Interesting enough president Pahor acknowledged burning of his car as I cite from his mouth, "we live in a totally normal country"(who could possibly argue with such a total lie when I was due car assassination plot which I survived).

Where I deposited money($500) for car parts replacement and what Slovenian police after declined to assist me used to persecute me instead - Slovenian police which lost even case at local police station(head police station) sent at my home psychiatrists to persecute me:

Who are Wojciech/Joanna Borowicki of and what did German government whom I also contacted in respect to issue covered up in respect to stolen car parts money for no less than 15 yearsWojciech/Joanna Borowicki of once received money deposited to them from my bank account instead begun to demand from my German speaking Austrian aunt and uncle MORE AND MORE MONEY....Borut Pahor was at the time European Union's member of parliament from Slovenia....

AVGmbH Autoteile Vertrieb
Schimmelbuschstr. 31
40699 Erkrath 

Tel. 02104 - 952 820
Fax. 02104 - 952 831
Joanna Borowicki 
Wojciech Borowicki 
POSTBANK DORTMUND Inhaber: AVGmbH BLZ: 440 100 46
KTO: 986 491 465
IBAN DE09 4401 0046 0946 0986 4914 65
HRB 13034 
Amtsgericht Wuppertal 
UST-NR 106/5126/3110 
Ust-IdNr.: DE814772724

Tel. 02104 - 952 820
Fax. 02104 - 952 831

Inhaber: AVGmbH
BLZ: 440 100 46
KTO: 986 491 465
IBAN DE09 4401 0046 0986 4914 65

Eingetragen beim Handelsregister des Amtsgerichtes Wuppertal HRB 13034

ST-NR 106/5126/3110

Ust-IdNr.: DE814772724 

§ 1 Allgemeines 
Die nachfolgenden Geschäftsbedingungen gelten für die Geschäftsbeziehung mit unseren Kunden, wenn auf sie ausdrücklich Bezug genommen wird. Abweichende oder ergänzende allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen des Kunden werden nicht Vertragsbestandteil. 
Kunde im Sinne dieser Geschäftsbedingung sind sowohl Verbraucher als auch Unternehmer, die bei der Bestellung unsere Leistung handeln. Bei der natürlichen Person ist ein Mindestalter von achtzehn Jahren erforderlich. 

Verbraucher im Sinne dieser Geschäftsbedingungen sind gem. § 13 BGB natürliche Personen, mit denen in Geschäftsbeziehungen getreten wird, ohne dass diesen eine gewerbliche oder selbständige berufliche Tätigkeit zugerechnet werden kann. 

Unternehmer im Sinne dieser Geschäftsbedingungen sind gem. § 13 BGB natürliche oder juristische Personen oder Personengesellschaften, mit denen in Geschäftsbeziehungen getreten wird und welche in Ausübung einer gewerblichen oder selbständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit handeln.
AVGmbH Autoteile Vertrieb, demnach folgend auch Verkäuferin genannt, von Autoteilen mit dem Schwerpunkt Karosserieteile und Beleuchtung und entsprechender Peripherie. 
§ 2 Vertragschluss 
In Anzeigendokumentationen und Internetdarstellungen der Verkäuferin gemachte Angaben stellen kein bindendes Vertragsangebot dar. Indem der Kunde eine Bestellung an die Verkäuferin sendet, gibt er ein verbindliches Angebot ab. Die Verkäuferin behält sich die freie Entscheidung über die Annahme dieses Angebotes vor. 
Sofern die Verkäuferin schriftliche Angebote an den Kunden abgibt, ist diese 30 Tage an dieses Angebot gebunden. Die Frist beginnt mit dem Datum des Angebotes. 
Bestellungen auf elektronischem Wege werden unverzüglich nach deren Eingang bei der Verkäuferin bestätigt. Es handelt sich hierbei lediglich um eine Eingangsbestätigung. Eine Annahme des Angebotes ist hier nicht zu sehen. Die Annahme wird separat erklärt, kann jedoch mit der Eingangsbestätigung verbunden werden. 
Ist der Kunde Unternehmer liegt das Risiko einer Fehlbestellung aus dem Onlineangebot der Verkäuferin beim dem bestellenden Kunden. Fehlbestellungen eines Unternehmers können nicht umgetauscht oder zurückgegeben werden. Die Verantwortung hierfür obliegt lediglich bei dem bestellenden Unternehmer. 
Die Verkäuferin behält sich vor, eine in Qualität und Preis gleichwertige Leistung (Ware und Dienstleitung) zu erbringen und behält sich zudem vor, die versprochene Leistung im Falle ihrer Nichtverfügbarkeit nicht zu erbringen. 

§ 9 Sonstiges 
Es gilt ausschließlich deutsches Recht unter Ausschluss der Gesetze über den internationalen Kauf beweglicher Sachen. 
Sollte eine Bestimmung dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nichtig sein oder werden, so bleibt die Gültigkeit der anderen Bestimmungen hiervon unberührt. 
§ 10 Firmendaten
AVGmbH Autoteile Vertrieb 
Geschäftsführer: Joanna Borowicki, Wojciech Borowicki
Schimmelbuschstr. 31

40699 Erkrath

Brand new car I bought in USA was shit, but car for $200 in Poland was good for me.

As published on 2. april 2009 - Roma people had nothing to do with incident and brand new tires purchased in Slovenia were replaced without my knowledge with car seating inside of the garage by neighbor with old worn out tires from who knows where/whom.

State of Slovenia's First Retaliation Upon Initial Complain at European Court of Human Rights
On February,15th, 2007,  I have contacted European Court of Human Rights and complained about violations. I was obvious desperate in given situation and needed help very much. At same time not enough decisive to proceed further upon assuming as well that this commission may be connected, or is cooperating(non-independently) with Slovenian government beyond its official tasks as delegated.

Reason for me to assume this mutual involvements(between the Slovenia state and EU Human Rights Commission) of the two(beyond just what was supposedly only officially non-affiliated cooperation), occurred during initial submission of the case via European Court of Human Rights Commission's website while simultaneously and very specifically asking their representatives to strictly keep my application/case(informations) away from Slovenian representatives there(in Strasbourg, France out of which commission was based).

Afterwards, it was Slovenian representative the one that contacted me while there was no answer from other agency/branch/separate authority established within European Commission for Human Rights for which I have requested initially...not to mention completely confident Slovenian governmental persecutions that followed afterwards conducted against me(immediate retaliation procedures took place) as described in continuation.

Anyways, on February 28th, 2007(just 13 days after first complain submitted to Court or afterwards my first in person job interview) , I had personal interview with owner of Matisa MM - Elektroagregati Marjan Matičevič s.p., who at that occasion during conversation asserted indirect accusation against me as traitor. 

During interview alone, Marjan Matičevič s.p. stated or addressed me with words ,"okay, what we have here is to deal with TREASON...".

All these was said before even describing job duties and while holding in his hands my resume. At that point, I knew that government retaliates for my contacting Court of Human rights.

Because of what happened at Matisa corp., I have lost trust in court back then, and demanded from European Court additional assistance in regards to this situation(to immediately stop procedure). Ironically,  representative from European Court of Human Rights who contacted me was again Slovenian despite my very specific inquiries !

Financial institutions in Slovenia

Financial institutions in Slovenia declined me credit. Their excuse was that I am unemployed and it would stay that way. They never commented their assertions how or why regardless of my willingness to deposit on real estate purchase, as an guarantee, large down payment(on some investment even up to 50% or more).

State of Slovenia's second Retaliation Upon Initial Complain at European Court of Human Rights
Murder attempt in place called Pekel (Hell
) Within City Limits Trebnje

On March 3rd, 2007, at around 2100 hours, I survived murder attempt in place called Pekel (in English Hell) within city limits of Trebnje. After fishing all day long on a fish pond called Blato, I took drive home toward Novo mesto.  While driving, I lost complete control over my vehicle for at least 150 meters of distance. Road was simply coated with oil.

I survived thanks to god and my driving knowledge(special driving skills). Car spined around five times and avoided complete crash into precipice. I was miraculously spared from fatality.

Car started and I was able to leave immediately.  Place of the accident was located in the forest.

Behind the first curve was parked an van ambulance vehicle in which driver had rolled windows down steering at me while I was slowly passing by toward city center(to afraid to stop anywhere else).

Driving toward Novo mesto, I stopped car on the parking lot in the middle of the Trebnje city. Changed right hand front  tire and then left for Novo mesto. I suffered some head injuries as an result of the accident. Engine Drive belt used for power steering also broke thus making wheel steering difficult. It broke when driving toward Novo mesto. I had no other choice, but driving further.

At approximately 2230(very late hour and unusual visitations) hours, I have managed to arrive at what supposedly was home.

Within no more than five minutes time upon my arrival, neighbor Doctor Igor Kotar arrived. He pretended to be on a regular visit. Then he desired to examine me. It was obvious that entire situation was a set-up. Afterwards, I immediately went to retrieve broken tag plate on a place of the accident. While there, I demonstrated to father slippery road on which still great skidding was possible with bare tennis shoes.  Demonstrating him sliding distances of three to four meters at the time; he continued to state that road is completely normal. It was obvious that he was one of the conspirators in this intrigue.

After the accident, I was there again with him only once and that when Crtalic Joze was also present(he never invited me again with him while he afterwards begun to  paying visitations to that pond again...that also clearly indicates deeper intrigue).

They were both with Crtalic convincing me that everything is normal. Nothing wrong with road. All these the day or two after....he insulted me as usual.
Accident took place between slope and flat. Speed 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. Pneumatics R15 195/55 and almost entirely new, replaced with old worn out completely tires. Car was 2003 Mazda Protege made for American market with 30.000 kilometers(20.000 miles) which I bought new in MIami

As an professional driver, I was used to driving daily even up to 1200 kilometers or more. Using all the knowledge, I managed to avoid collapse over to precipice for probably three times(came very close to edge), and finally made decision to do what ever it takes and stop it somehow(while stopping, car spined around each time 360 degrees  as well three times)avoiding fatality.

Tires were completely without any traction at all !
Afterwards, I was constantly questioned and mocked by visiting people. Among them was Weber, Crtalic and others.

Mocked because this is how they attempted to steer attention away from what took place or murder attempt !

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