Monday, October 12, 2020

Czech terrorist Andrej Babis(Garbich) planned on creating a cluster via issues seen here for which I now realized already took place in the past

Andrej Babis is an animal - hyena in human body who had and has nothing other than the most malicious criminal indents against me. He insisted with "few days after breaking you car to help you out"(even with "to help you out") video about him resigning - blaming into hisopponent would be released +  that he is the only politician in Czech rep. who cares about Slovak people and would use against me his call to Slovaks to gain their sympathy prior to breaking my car. He released his call prior to breaking my car and replicated by one of his supporters an "resignation" scam on Sept. 21(5 days after my car was vandalized, and my being robbed even of telephones) while pointing at another to Slovakia acording to him because Slovakia that was extremely supportive and could cause Poland/Czech rep. a problems....
He didn't manage to confuse either way. His scams worked for two days during which my car was smashed, but I fully came to senses out of trauma about who he was within week.

Other prominent Czech involved in ordeal against me(have threatened severely - once $$$$transactions for the most part were completed just as the case was with Katowice's major) was also a major of Prague...the best according to Duda/Morawiecki/ Babis would be for me to become a conspiracy theorist via whom they would develop Orwellianism game against Polish/Czech taxpayers with their Western political authoritarian colleagues via which nothing but milk and honey would flow into their mouths while I would trade life for sleeping in the car, being attacked with directed energy weapons game and poisoned happily travel Europe with right to work for free one month out of 12 months during. We are not talking about human beings here - not even animals...the hatred toward me I experienced from above mentioned politicians is incomprehensible. I had no clue something as hateful and criminal exists in this world actually.

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