Friday, March 26, 2021

NIECE'S HUSBAND: MK Ultra torture went as far as inciting into throwing myself over the bridge over apartment building due to what niece's husband claimed me were brain implants impossible to get read off...

My niece's husband Mitja Weeber/Veber went at the beginnings of his involvement in MK Ultra as far to brainwash me on how natural selection must take place for the sake of better and whole thing is nothing personal again me - I cite one, "you will understand its like weed taking space of prosperous plants in need of necessary to prosper elements...weed is you...its a selection in which only best qualify for new seed".
MK Ultra torture went as far as inciting into throwing myself over the bridge over apartment building due to what niece's husband claimed me were brain implants impossible to get read off...
Video can be seen also at
Despite everything - I never ever had any suicidal thoughts on my mind and have survived even 2012 hospitalization during which I was accused of domestic abuse/labeled as paranoid schizophrenic - thrown on psychiatric drugs for which I even ask myself what in reality was inside of them as physical pain and "side effects" were those of victims experiencing chemical attacks/poisoning rather than anything else. With just a little mental illness in me(if one would exist), I would have been dead already long time ago. They tried everything and far beyond that can be tried to compel one over the edge in a single political regime.
Anywhere from being called degenerated frick by Slovenian president Borut Pahor to theories which they produced and planted into family of my own. From 1996 surgery in Belgrade to humiliations on memorials dedicated to partisans in home city Novo mesto....

For this video too IN CASE I WOULD DARE TO TALK ABOUT ONE - I cite, "he has a public job teacher at prominent educational facility in case you state nothing - we will not sacrifice him for you blah are no good and he has doctoral degrees"....

The truth is he never ever accomplished a single thing on his own. Including completion of school, it was this case that provided for one. His career everything built via lies/theft/ crime(what he mainly dedicated his time). Connections for his brother friends $$$$...was and he is a regular nobody and nothing.

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