Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lets face it and be honest and admit that what started 75 years ago started in the past(before WWII) time and again and its what we have seen surfaced AGAIN in 2020

Nor would Austria, nor Hungary, nor Romania, nor Bulgaria, nor Croatia or Finland joined axis of evil during WWII if it wasn't for pressure from direction of Germany and Russia. Our human DNA is bound into Polish Ukrainian/Czech/Slovak category - and its what we are made out of and its what our existence depends on. I would go on to expand Visegrad group unto new member states in which I would include everything stated here to form economic military pact with whom nobody would dared recon with.

Call it a Soviet or neonazi threat, Visegrad can profoundly change European landscape and consequently globe. This is historical opportunity which either will be seized by democratic independence craving tiny nations or wait for another Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact to which we have witnessed during WWII or COVID19 crises. We are talking about without doubt considerable power here - possible union which would account for more than 170 million people...

World changed profoundly within last 75 years with some players on horizon never seen historically before as per having any impact on our lives(China and India for example and its more) what I would refer to as STABILITY....its time for us to claim on this journey along them our place too. 

Together we can liberate(rather than observe as numb) ourselves and even souls on east and on West.

Russia and Germany are in war with one another - but the least two have interest in(its what both are the most in war with even more than with one another) is a global stability known as peace.

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