Wednesday, May 15, 2024

New Novo mesto police director Igor Juršič was selected/approved to be director of Novo mesto police in 2010/2011 at Otočec by none other than Serbian Aleksandar Vućič and his team who met with Milan Kučan

Aleksandar Vućić's team in Slovenia was led by none other than psychiatrist Tatjana Prkšelj who had on opportunity interrogated Igor Juršič to see if he he is fit to serve Serbian agenda against me in Slovenia.

Tatjana Prokšelj stated me nobody would know about the two of us in Republika Srpska where part of her family originates from or even Serbia. The only new ever if one was to come out about me would be news about my kids what would also be used to calm "worried" parties down in respect to hijacking which I have well described at 

Tatjana's specialty was to drive me insane via jealousy issues by involving Serbian males to compare them in front of me with me and even point me out their ++ when compared to me. Something that didn't work or at least most of the time didn't. I would simply pass on "competition" and what made psychiatrist Kapš unhappy. They were trying to pull any sign of mental illness out to use one and through the use of one amplify or develop other non existing mental problems. Something I wasn't sure about WHY when making video about psychiatrist Prokšelj A nice shirt tag mother left me accordingly with MK Ultra instructions at the shower restroom.

Igor Juršič recognized himself infront of me in the mirror as a Serb(so they complimented one) and became a Belgrade as well as Republic Srpska visitor where he also tried to intimidate on few occasions till told off in the face sometimes in 2014/2015 in the Belgrade. Igor Juršič exploded in violence in 2011, 2012, 2013 - slowed down in 2014/2015 and finally was sent to hell in the middle of Belgrade on what one kept his mouths zipped. Ogulin pulled one away from what was turning into physical confrontation. This individual is a violent thug. Its when DOB begun to come on the picture more and more often for which Ogukin alone told one he will not be capable to participate if he gets into more physical violence against me. Thats your Igor Juršič.

Igor Juršič is a long time friend of neighbor "police investigator" Metod Jerman who was somewhat his mentor.

They had a lots of hopes of which none was more disappointing for me to face than what became evident to me in 2016 was the case with British royals who hoped on some more filthy deals behind curtain. Now presenting me a prison as a form of reward in return for mother of all genocides world have witnessed to.

I mentioned that people disappear/are hijacked - yes they are. Now you also know how and what closed psychiatric/prison department also serve for. 

 Republic Serpska or Serbia NOT EVEN IN MY  craziest insanest dreams and goes same for Russia. Never ever again. Lunacy.

Za novega direktorja imenovali Igorja Juršiča

Posle je novemu direktorju uprave predal France Božičnik, vodja Sektorja kriminalistične policije PU Novo mesto.
Fotografija: Današnja primopredaja (z leve): France Božičnik, vodja Sektorja kriminalistične policije PU Novo mesto, namestnik generalnega direktorja policije mag. Robert Ferenc in novi direktor PU Novo mesto Igor Juršič. FOTO: PU Novo mesto
 Odpri galerijo
Današnja primopredaja (z leve): France Božičnik, vodja Sektorja kriminalistične policije PU Novo mesto, namestnik generalnega direktorja policije mag. Robert Ferenc in novi direktor PU Novo mesto Igor Juršič. FOTO: PU Novo mesto

V. d generalnega direktorja policije mag. Senad Jušić je za direktorja Policijske uprave Novo mesto z današnjim dnem imenoval Igorja Juršiča.

Posle je novemu direktorju uprave Igorju Juršiču danes v imenu Andreja Zbašnika, ki je novomeško policijsko upravo – po upokojitvi njenega dolgoletnega direktorja Janeza Ogulina – vodil od 1. maja 2023, predal France Božičnik, vodja Sektorja kriminalistične policije PU Novo mesto.

Igor Juršič se je v Policiji zaposlil leta 1992 na Postaji prometne policije Novo mesto, nato pa je v enotah PU Novo mesto deloval kot policist in vodja patrulje (vse do leta 2009) ter eno leto kot pomočnik vodje izmene v Operativno-komunikacijskem centru. Leta 2010 je začel delati na Inšpektoratu RS za notranje zadeve v MNZ, kjer je bil zadolžen za najzahtevnejše varnostne naloge v povezavi z inšpekcijskimi nadzori v pristojnosti notranjega ministrstva.

Leta 2021 se je vrnil v Policijo, v vodstvo Službe generalnega direktorja policije. Zaupane so mu bile različne naloge s področja strateškega načrtovanja in usmerjanja policije ter sodelovanja z institucijami, kot so Varuh človekovih pravic, Informacijski pooblaščenec RS, Državno odvetništvo RS idr., poleg tega je bil na tem delovnem mestu tudi uradna oseba za dostop do informacij javnega značaja. Je prejemnik bronastega znaka MNZ in srebrnega ščita policije.

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