Tuesday, June 12, 2018

VIDEO(from 2017) - V Slovenskem jeziku(and in English) - Kako je ravnal in ravna Slovenski pravni sistem/ustava z mano osebno na povelje Beograda in Moskve

Ravnal z mano ne samo kot z Slovenskim državljanom ampak domačinom ke šteje lahko nazaj kopico Slovenskih prednikov(generacije predikov). Amerika,  Izrael, Nemčija, Britanija in tako naprej da, vendar na pobudo Moskve in Beograda. Takšne medsebojne stvari ki se dogajajo med Slovanskimi narodi dan danes so dobre za nacistični Zahod. Moja današnja situacija z policijo in Slovenskimi sodišči(celotnim pravnim sistemom) ni nič drugačna od preteklosti. Vse skupaj je sramota da se bogu gravža(ustava Republike Slovenije https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ustava_Republike_Slovenije je smrdljiva laž-utvara ki leži na papirju in internetu in za katero se skrivajo množični poboji naših sonarodnjakov)

Za preteklost sem krivil Jude ki pa nimajo kaj dosti opraviti z njo razen seveda Netanyahuja ki je ščitil umazano igro Moskve in Beograda pred resnico s tem da se je nastavljal pred njiju kot za glavnega Krivca.

Video is titled as Murderous Slovenian courts constitution judicial system against me and international treaties - Court-legal system situation in Slovenia(its Belgrade-Moscow's madhouse via Ljubljana as Slovenia never ever existed - situation is same as in Ukraine where Porosheko mass murders for the sake of new USSR and people are discouraged by politicians/police and son on to make any kind of contacts with real people like myself) never ever changed even a bit...its still the same old same today in 2018(seen on video was situation in the past and its what am facing with against today in 2018)...I blamed Jews for the past, however, it became clear that those have almost nothing to do with it...Netanyahu pushed himself and Israel infront of dirty Kremlin-Belgrade's game to protect the two...


NOTE: Netanyahu is extremely funny man who gets sometimes involved in more than what one can handle...according to Netanyahu, he got involved also for the third reason beside Belgrade and Moscow and that was to help me as crazy as it may seem or sound(that was to protect me from Moscow and Belgrade and to protect Moscow and Belgrade from me - specially protect Moscow and Belgrade from me at this stage when and where everything became clear per who is what is)...

Second name for Mr. Netanyahu would be Mr. Paradox because boat on which you will go out to fish with him will sink in the middle of the ocean and you will all drown together with him as he will be pulling out giant squid and will not let one go even when boat will be clearly sinking infront of your eyes(just trying to depict his mental nature in humorous sense because its hard to get his logic - he creates clusters that almost no one can possibly solve, but at the same time he sticks to his scenarios to the bitter end which makes game even more clusterfull).

Okay Jews, you know I love you and even wear next to my Christian crosses(Orthodox and Roman catholic) exactly the same David's star as seen on video...no hard feelings for my past please and come for a visit to Slovenia instead.

@Benyi...ME NOT FROM YESTERDAY :))))) ;) Salute to you and your family(friends) in Tel Aviv

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