Thursday, August 22, 2024

All the eastern European politicians KNEW and voted on execution of Ceausescu due to ongoing revolution(demonstrating Moscow pressure) against Soviet Union which portion Romania also took upon itself

Its is possible if not temporary visiting only or my being brainwashed with lies that Ceausescu died in London - 2010. In a modest house in clean neighborhood 

I disliked one because he strived toward eastern Europe disallowing me to connect myself with Western Europe - world and have further equaled himself with Serbs and their Slovenian apparatchiks which governed with death Slovenia, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia. We were not governed as Romanians in Romania, but occupied by foreign military as well as by murderous apparatchiks who served its interests. I didn't like one because he committed dirty stuff against me for Tito sake and ongoing covered up for violence against me in circle of illuminatis.

And I knew that if would have chance just as others, he would again impose same shit as it was under USSR. They all assisted one another and still do even after the fall of the USSR/Yugoslavia

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