Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Attack on Smallholding in Tzaneen....

Translated and edited by Bastian Auser:

NEWS FLASH: Suspect wounded after attempt failed robbery

One black terrorist(aka "suspect") was wounded in a failed armed robbery attempt on a smallholding in Tzaneen this very morning .

Two black terrorists(aka "suspects") have had approached this morning to one of the workers on the smallholding at about 10:00 hours and have asked one if there were any jobs available.

According to Marius Jacobs of Northern Securities, worker recommended the two too have a talk with the owner but that one was out of the town at the moment...

After a disagreement, the terrorists(aka "suspects") have pushed the worker to the ground and pulled out a weapon.

"The worker screamingly called for help and a man who is renting a house on the property, went out to conduct an investigation," Jacobs stated.

He immediately realized that the two were armed...

The house tenant ran back to his house and have armed himself as well.

The terrorists(aka "suspects") ran off.

"They jumped over the wall and got taxi lift to Tzaneen," told Jacobs

The house tenant chased and the taxi stopped at the gas station in Tzaneen.

The suspects climbed out of the taxi and began to flee on foot.

The tenant ordered terrorists(aka "suspects") to stop, but they refused to obey, so he fired of the terrorists was shot in the leg. '

The other suspect managed to flee.

Northern Securities, Mopanya, ER24 and the State Ambulance Services and SAP were quickly on the scene.

According to Jacobs, the weapon was found inside of the taxi.

The wounded terrorists(aka"suspect") is under police guard in Van Velden's Hospital.


NUUSFLITS: Verdagte gewond na poging tot roof misluk

Een verdagte is gewond in ‘n mislukte poging tot ‘n gewapende roof op ‘n kleinhoewe vanoggend in Tzaneen.

Twee verdagtes het ‘n arbeider op die kleinhoewe vanoggend om omstreeks 10:00 genader en gevra of daar glo werk beskikbaar is.

Luidens Marius Jacobs van Northern Sekuriteit, het die arbeider hulle aanbeveel om na die plaas van die eienaar buite die dorp met hulle CV’s te gaan.

Na ‘n meningsverskil het die verdagtes die arbeider teen die grond vasgedruk en met ‘n wapen aangehou.

‘Die werker het om hulp begin skreeu en ‘n man wat op die hoewe ‘n huis huur, het uit gegaan om ondersoek in te stel, vertel Jacobs.

Hy het gesien dat hulle gewapen is.

Die huishuurder het terug gehardloop na sy huis om homself te bewapen.

Die verdagtes het laat spaander.

‘Hulle het oor die muur gespring en in ‘n taxi ‘n rygeleentheid na Tzaneen gekry,’ vertel Jacobs

Die huishuurder het die taxi gevolg tot by ‘n vulstasie in Tzaneen.

Die verdagtes het uit die taxi geklim en die man gesien en te voet begin vlug.

‘Die man het vir die een verdagte beveel om te stop. Hy wou nie luister nie en is in die been geskiet.,’

Die ander verdagte is steeds op vrye voet.

Northern Sekuriteit, Mopanya, Er24 sowel as die Staatsambulansdienste sowel as die SAP was vinnig op die toneel.

Luidens Jacobs is die taxi deur Letaba Sekuriteit agter Tzaneng Mall gekry nadat die drywer dit aan hulle uitgewys het, en die wapen is binne in gevind

Die gewonde verdagte is tans onder polisie bewaking  in die Van Velden Hospitaal.




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