Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mr. Donald Trump VS Corrupt Washington DC's Establishment(Incl. Free Press) And Mexican President !!!

Just how powerful Mr. Donald Trump is !!!? Mr. Donald Trump is powerful enough to have top corrupt US politicians(entire Washington DC & US Congress) on their knees before him !!! On this very video, you can see Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto who have previously called and compared Mr. Trump even to Adolf Hitler(Mussolini etc.), now publicly apologizing him in the state of MEXICO(before his own people and international community) alone !!!

No...Mr. Trump didn't owned as many suggest a Mexican president only, but instead entire establishment of corrupt republicans and democrats !!! They were the one who have desperately incited Enrique Peña Nieto into talks with Mr, Trump because Mr. Trump is a ultimate power(the will of American people) in United States of America !!! They know very well that Mexico together with them only have chance if they go on knees before Mr. Trump !!!

DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT !!!?? You can't deny the fact that he already is one !!!

ON SELF ELECTED GOVERNMENTS & THEIR MAIN STREAM MEDIA: When fiction becomes more real than reality to you, you are in real trouble is called paranoia !!! In real democracy, political parties are each in it for their stake(for their principles/goals/agendas) and the press is uncontrolled - objective !!! This is clearly not the case in USA today where in corrupt US Congress, both parties(Republican and Democrat) and by Congress controlled "free press", serve very same interests. Situation is consequently the same throughout the rest of the world....

PS. Each day(includes self elected and reappointed state officials such as McCain, Rubio, Wasserman etc....will not even go to Romney, Ron Paul, Cruz etc..) they will be more and more respectful about Mr. Trump....they will be nicer and nicer to him and you already know why !!!

Fact is that Mr. Trump(America) doesn't need them after everything those have done against him, but they do need him...they bloody need him....their future and their lives depend on Mr. Trump !!! After all, American people have already decided for Mr. Trump to be the president of USA !!!

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